At the Gala After Party in famous Restaurant Writer’s club on main Zagreb square, all participants of the 40th aniversary of nanbudo in Croatia, enoyed being together, creating positive energy and sending the message of cooperation to the rest of nanbudo world. Fantastic concert by Nika&Matija two popular Croatian pop stars warmed up the atmosphere, and when David N’Hannack joined the band in the manner of Ray Charles, the atmosphere just exploded. Singing, dancing, being together and commitment to future actions and events were in the focus of the beautiful night of the opening of Zagreb Advent Festival.
The peak of the night was an award that Croatian nanbudo federation started giving in the 90ies. Nanbudoka of the decade was an award given in the past to 3 fantastic sportists: Mariano Carrasco (Spain) was the first one, Roy Andreassen (Norway) the second and Jose Antonio Claveria (Spain) the third. All three great champions and fantastic persons. It was the time for the number 4. Roy Andreassen, second nanbudoka of the decade delivered the award to: Edin Mahmuljin (Croatia), most succesful nanbudo competitor of all the times, multiple European and World champion and Winner of Super 9 tournaments. Edin is still competing, coaching, and he is many times awarded as the best Croatian journalist. He works for Sports program of the National TV, and this year made a series of fantastic reportages from the Football World Cup in Russia. Edin absolutely deserves this prestigous title of the 4th Nanbudoka of the Decade in the year of the 40th aniversary of our sport. He received congratulations from everyone at the party. In that moment, it was more than obvious that nanbudo family exists again, in spite of all the negative efforts of a very few people around the globe. Cooperation, protection and development of our martial art sport has a future as long as there are people who will take care that this process does not stop. And this group is bigger and bigger every day.
Therefore, message to those who are fighting against the prosperity, development and future is again, and will always be: Join us – together we are stronger.