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World championship in katas

World championship in katas was organized in cooperation with Amateur Athletic Union of United States of America and took place in Fort Lauderdale, USA, July 2-7 2022,. Championship was held in New Convention Center where 16 tatamis and tribunes for 4000 spectators were brought in. Championship was perfectly organized for […]

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On May 16th great friend of our sport, one of the best Croatian lawyers, Krešimir Krsnik died in Zagreb. An allround sportist himself, during his professional lawyer’s career he always supported and helped sportists from different sports. He was one of the first people who supported and helped family Kostelić […]

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2 members of INF EXCOM fighting Covid 19 virus!

Two members of INF Executive commitee are in hospital because of Covid 19 infection. INF Vice-president for Asia, M. Arvind Kotnala is in hospital in Dehradun, India, and member of Excom M. Sasan Khoei is in hospital in Tehran, Iran. In this moment they are recovering well, and we hope […]

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Inochi – Life Force Exercise

Inochi means Life Force or Creation Of Ki Energy, and this particular energetic exercise combines nanbudo techniques and movements with natural breathing still concentrating on tanden by light and rhytmical contractions of abdominal muscles during the exercise.

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