Photo:President, General Secretary and two Vice-presidents, Arnaud Nkamhoua, new INF president, Petar Turkovic, General secretary, Ahmed Gaad, Vice-President for Africa,Arvind Kotnala, Vice-President for Asia
International nanbudo federation has held its Election General Assembly in Dehradun, India on Sept. 28. After the Special Thanks plaque was awarded to M. Mostapha Hlal, INF President in two mandates (2010-2018), new President was elected. It is Aranaud Nkamhoua, Cameroonian ex world nanbudo champion, cardiologist who lives and works in France, so has a very good insight in African but also European nanbudo sport. His election is indeed a great recognition and appreciation of Cameroonian nanbudo sport. Vice President for Europe is now Jan Moen, pioneer of nanbudo in Norway and ex President of WNF who recently joined INF. Vice President for Africa is Ahmed Gaad, for many years holder of highest positions in Moroccan but also international judging committee. Two other members of the EXCOM are Sadik Umit Bilbay, general secretary of the Turkish nanbudo federation, and Sasan Khoei, general secretary of Iranian nanbudo federation. Petar Turkovic was elected General Secretary in his third mandate. Such a strong team leading nanbudo sport grants quick development. Commitment and capacity of these people, will certainly provide sustainable development of our sport and unification of all nanbudo sportists in the world with an aim to protect nanbudo as a martial art, but develop it for the future as a Sport for all.