1st International Conference on Nanbudo Martial Art Sport was held in Zagreb, Croatia in the organization of World Martial Art Academy from Switzerland in cooperation with Croatian nanbudo federation. Conference was opened by Maryna Dymtrenko (Ukraine), Vice-president of WMAA. After Maryna, a set of extraordinary presentations was given by Dr. David Nhannack (Cameroon), Jean Luc Rubio (France) Rune Hansen(Norway), Jozsef Kiraly (Hungary), Dr. Zoran Barac (Croatia), Fiorentino Tampone (Italy), Giuseppe Ferrara (Switzerland), Dr. Arnaud Nkahmoua (France) and Prof. Petar Turković (Croatia). Presentation of Sattar Khoei (Iran) was because of illness – read in his absence. Presentations covered different experiences, approaches, ideas, concepts – from theoretical to medical and kinesiological – but all aiming at sustainability of nanbudo martial art sport for the future. Common denominator and conclusions lead to few important ideas for the future:
- Saving nanbudo marital art sport on the basis of the legacy of its founder
- Building personal relations among nanbudo leaders that can secure development
- Continuous education of trainers
- Highering the level of judges, competitors and competitions
- Strengthening and local recognition of national federations
- Aiming at international recongition of nanbudo martial art sport
Conference was ended with a wish to continue this direction of expert and intelectual exchange in the sake of the future of our martial art sport.